
This morning I woke up with 11 zits on my face.
11 red, repulsive reminders of how stressed out I am.
I just recently learned that my sister (the only family I have here) is now moving in about 4 weeks to Indiana. What? Whats in Indiana? Free Chipotle? SERIOUSLY?!?! STOP MOVING THERE PEOPLE.

I know, I'm dramatic. But seriously...I'm not a happy camper. The thought of being 100% by myself does not exactly sit well with me. It's scary. And it's sad. And it sucks. I know I can do it. But I don't really want to.

I can.
I can.
I must.

I know there's people out there with cancer. I know there's people out there with no home. I'm very aware that there are people out there worse off than me. I don't mean to act like I am dealing with the hardest situation on planet. But just because it's not the hardest, doesn't mean it's not still really hard. I wish people had an easier time understanding that. It's hard enough for me as it is to tell people how I am REALLY doing, but on the slight chance someone asks and i do open up I feel like most people just say "awww that sucks" give me the sad puppy face, and then expect me to automatically turn my frown upside down and live in their world of sunshine, flowers, and magical sparkly bunnies.

I don't feel like a sparkly bunny.
I feel like a stressed out bunny with a saggy,wrinkled, tired face complete with under-eye bags and of course my colony of awkwardly atrocious pimple mountains . Gorgeous, I know.
And this bunny does not want to be sad because ANOTHER person is leaving her.
This bunny doesn't want to be all alone.
I know I will get used to it. I know everything will work out in the end.
But waiting for things to get better is just so so hard.

Thank God for my bible and my sketch pad.