

I have been extremely absent from you blog, apologies. I've just been so busy, doing what feels like, the same old shiiiiii...cago [gotcha, didn't I?]. I feel like daily grind has been wearing on me. My "normal", boring, daily grind days, have seem to become everyday. Nothing new, no sign of change. Not even the seasons! It's almost October and its still 100 million degrees out.

My daily routine, which goes something like this:

{4:20am/5:50am :
Alarm. Open eyes. Sigh. Groan. Get out of bed and ready for work.
Work: Pull shots of espresso, ring people up. Clean. Listen to entitled customers complain. Clean more. Pull more shots of espresso. Multi-task being a slave while trying to have fun with my dear co-workers. Clean more.
Off work.
Race back to the house. Change clothes. Grab my sketch book from under my never ending pile of dirty laundry and complete my incomplete homework just quick enough to finish but slow enough to look like i "took my time with it".
Race out the door.
Im late to school, as usual.
Draw for 3 hours (I guess I can't complain much there...I could be doing something wretched like math)
Come back to the house, shower. (Dont worry, usually i shower in the mornings if i dont open, but when i do...dont expect much outta me)

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. }....okay obvi not everyday is like that. But mostly.

This boring same-old, same-old has made me crave change, and I think has worn on my appreciation of my life in general. This is kind of a blessing and a curse. For one, the fact that Nicole is ACTUALLY wanting something to change is incredible in itself. I am a creature of environment. And I need my environment to be comfortable and normal and the same. Mix it up on me without asking permission, and i have a mini freak out
. Okay...a big freak out. So you can imagine how much of big deal it is that I'm finally at a point where I'm fully trusting and ready for God to move in my life.

As good as wanting change is, I think it is a shame I allowed such a bitter seed
to grow in my heart that made me unappreciative of my "normal days". This year has been hard to say the least, and I've spent most of my time just waiting for the days when things get better and disregarding the day that I am actually living in.

That is a shame.
And let me tell you why:
Any day, normal or not, is a blessing. I have been given X amount of time on this earth. The fact that I have a new day to be alive and well is incredible, and that shouldn't be forgotten.
Just because I want some things in my life to progress and change doesn't mean one day it's actually going to happen like POOF!..out of no where everything is AMAZE-BALLS!

Mmm...no. I have to work for that. I have to use those normal monotonous days to get to the exciting days. Use those days to work to save money to be financially stable, to go to school to work on improving my artistic abilities to get a job i can one day use them for.

And besides that, I have some pretty awesome people in my life and some 100,000 blessings I dont deserve, to enjoy on those "normal" days.

Life will get there, I have to believe that.

Moral of the story:
Let's all remember to enjoy our normal day today while we are waiting for our AMAZE-BALLS day. Mmkay?

Today I made this earring slash jewelry holder. Making it made my normal day a little bit more fun.